Infos Aglow International

AGLOW Deutschland gehört zur weltweiten AGLOW-Bewegung, die von einem internationalen Vorstand mit Hauptsitz in den USA geleitet wird. In dieser Rubrik finden Sie News, Konferenzmitschnitte und Videos von AGLOW International in englischer Sprache.

Das Reich Gottes ist nahe

Ron Cantor His Kingdom 2023


Am 20.01. und 21.21.2023 findet die europäische Aglow Leiterkonferenz statt. Auch in diesem Jahr wieder über Zoom mit deutschsprachiger Übersetzung. Das Thema der Konferenz lautet: „Das Reich Gottes ist nahe" mit Ron Cantor als Hauptsprecher.

Wer gerne daran teilnehmen möchte kann eine Email an das Aglow Büro Deutschland schicken und erhält die Zugangsdaten. 

Die Konferenz findet am Freitag, den 20. Januar um 19:30 Uhr (MEZ), und Samstag, den 21. Januar um 14:00 Uhr und wieder um 19:00 Uhr (MEZ) statt.


#JaneHansenHoytToday new year g4203e6ffa 1920 Watch, as Jane shares how the water level rises when we begin to speak what Heaven speaks. Let it rise in you as you follow the Spirit in 2023. It's going to be a year of new insights, new revelations and a quickening of His Spirit within us. It's going to be a good year! 

christmas ge6d80714a 1920#JaneHansenHoytToday Aglow President and CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that God is looking to us for purity, innocence and simplicity, and these are things He can use. Merry Christmas from Aglow International!

Burkina Faso Outreach

2022 8 2 burkina faso

Aglow Burkina Faso National President shared with us a recent outreach story that took place in April. “In His Grace, the Lord allowed us to visit the internally displaced with donations, even though Burkina is still threatened by terrorism.”
There was a total of 70 women, 51 men, and 231 children in attendance. At the end of the ceremony, we were able to talk about Jesus to the women and 12 gave their lives to Jesus. Glory to God!

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The Power Of Prayer

2022 8 11 samthar

Our Aglow sisters in Samthar, India planned a prayer walk in May of this year. These 20 faith-filled women set out in the early morning from Kalimpong Pudung East Gate. As the Holy Spirit led, they began to pray mainly against the powers of darkness in the areas where many strongholds, like temples, are along the way.

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A letter from Jane      5. August 2022

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I love to include hymns in my worship time. One that crosses my lips frequently is On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand. Could we take a moment now and lift these words as a decree of our trust in Him?

The Aglow Story - Spirit born, Spirit led Since 1967

Interviews with early leaders tell the story of Aglow's birth and significant events in the history of the ministry. Also contains a personal and emotional look, through the eyes of key leaders, at who Aglow will be as we launch into the next fifty years of Aglow.

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Aglow Story in YouTube Aglow International Channel.

3 - 6 November 2022 - St. Louis, MO

Aglow International Conference 2022

Aglow International is a Transformational Kingdom Culture with mindsets not of this world.

As a Kingdom Movement, we are committed to seeing God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven by raising up champions and warriors across the earth who will bring freedom to the oppressed while providing opportunities for everyone in our spheres of influence to grow into radiant relationships with each other, as well as, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Find out more

1 July 2022

A Partner with The King

#JaneHansenHoytToday - Do you sometimes find yourself in situations with people that cause something to rise in you that is not the Holy Spirit? In this fresh look at a previous message, Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt, prays, "Oh for grace to trust You more." Listen as Jane reminds us that Jesus encourages us to give of Him by giving freely of ourselves. Put your expectations on the altar and let His "Grace" be at work in your life today.

3 June 2022

A Partner with The King

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week's episode is a fresh look at a message that Jane shares about a profound experience with the Lord. Listen as Aglow President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt touches us with an emotional story and a heartfelt encouragement to tabernacle ourselves with the Lord.

27 May 2022

A Partner with The King

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week Jane Hansen Hoyt Today presents an episode that features one of our 2022 Aglow Conference speakers, Dutch Sheets. Listen as Dutch delivers a pronouncement in Orlando that Aglow is "A Partner with the King." Reserve your place with the Aglow family in St. Louis for the 2022 Aglow Conference, registration is open.

20 May 2022

House of Bread

#JaneHansenHoytToday - This week’s message is a reprise of Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt’s message the "Third Great Awakening”. Listen as Jane shares what "The Third Great Awakening" will look and feel like; and speaks of a change that will encourage and lift us up in a way that will astonish us.

Something Marvelous

#JaneHansenHoytToday ( - Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt expresses exciting and hopeful anticipation for 2022. Listen as Jane encourage us that in the coming year. "There's More for You."

24.09.2021 - 26.09.2021

This conference marked the beginning of something new, a reset that God is doing in our midst to prepare us for the Third Day Awakening. Together we are stepping into the fullness of our destiny, both individually and corporately. We're not stepping in with timidity and uncertainty, but with a confidence that comes from knowing that He has been equipping and preparing us for this day.

Dutch Sheets and Lance Wallnau both joined us for this special event. They carry such anointing for declaring the Word of the Lord for this time in history. I know you'll be blessed and inspired by what they brought. Visit our YouTube channel to watch the messages. Jane

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Going Beyond

Mitschrift der europäischen Aglow Zoom Konferenz vom 20.5.2021

 pdfDownload: Going Beyond669.83 KB

hände empfangen licht

Blog-Beitrag, Jane Hansen Hoyt, 08.04.2021

I have recently listened to a very encouraging word from Dutch Sheets that he spoke to us at the 2018 U.S. National Conference in Spokane, WA USA that I wanted to bless you with today.

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