Infos Aglow International

AGLOW Deutschland gehört zur weltweiten AGLOW-Bewegung, die von einem internationalen Vorstand mit Hauptsitz in den USA geleitet wird. In dieser Rubrik finden Sie News, Konferenzmitschnitte und Videos von AGLOW International in englischer Sprache.

His Joy – Our Strength

Step In To Joy

Here is an excerpt from a recent video from Jane Hansen Hoyt. Step Into Joy

This morning when I woke up, I clearly heard the Holy Spirit speak a very familiar scripture to me.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” It's really the only strength we need. Because when His strength comes into us, it infuses us physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. We have been invaded by heaven, and that makes a difference. Even though it's very familiar, let me just share the Scripture with you. It begins by saying, “Do not grieve.” Oh, I had forgotten that part. I just picked up the joy part. But actually, there are times when there are grievous things in our lives. Something that comes to us that is painful, or a difficult living situation, or whatever. Don't grieve. You know what I hear in that? It's like don't waste your time over more

We Were Born for Such a Time as This!

Kingdom Legislation

Here is an excerpt from a recent blog from Jane Hansen Hoyt, The Halls of Kingdom Legislation

For those of you who have been in Aglow for any length of time, you have heard me speak or write many times, always repeating the prophetic words spoken over the ministry by key leaders in the body of Christ. Why are our prophetic words so important? For one, they tell us how God sees us every time He looks at us. He KNOWS who He birthed us to be in 1967. We have been discovering our identity for 57 years and I believe Aglow . . . We are moving outside the walls of our gathering places and into the halls of Kingdom legislation. Strong in prayer; mighty in decrees; Aglow groups around the world are equipped to stand on the walls of their nations speaking the words God gives them for the nations. I believe that as we/they speak, giants are falling! Atmospheres are changing! Heaven is coming to earth to replace the stale, empty, failing ways of man. Does Aglow have a future? You better believe it. I do! We were born for such a time as this. We have been trained for such a time as this.

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What is Aglow Generations?

Aglow Generations’ vision is to support, equip, engage, and empower young adults to grow as disciples in Christ furthering the work of Aglow in the world. We seek to build relationships across generational lines, encounter life with God through scripture, prayer, and worship; to experience supernatural life through the Holy Spirit. Aglow Generations encourages engagement in community with an aim to learn from the generations that came before us and equip the generations after us to impact the world for His Kingdom.

Janae Lovern, Generations Director  

Janae Lovern, Generations Direct

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Kingdom Unity

What does it mean to be with Jesus in relationship? And, how does a person “grow” in that relationship in order to extend that love with someone else generationally and globally? Join Director of Aglow Generations, Janae, on this week’s Podcast as she explores these questions, and more!


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Celebrate, Connect, Share

Aglow Spain Conference

Aglow Spain held its largest conference ever – over 2,000 women – providing a space for encounter, reflection, and unity around the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. The gathering was held in the southern Spanish city of Cordoba. The theme was “Celebrate, Connect, Share”. Participants came from Spain, the United States, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, Greece, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Mexico. As women arrived by bus, cars, trains, and planes, excitement filled the air as they came with great expectancy.

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Joy is Your Portion

Joy will come

The joy of the Lord is my strength. It's your strength. It's really the only strength we need. When His strength comes into us, it infuses us physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally. It touches all the five senses. I mean, we have been invaded by Heaven, and that makes a difference. Back to my Scripture verse. It begins by saying, do not grieve. There are times when there are grievous things in our lives. Something that comes to us that is painful, or a difficult living situation. Don't grieve. You know what I hear in that? Don’t give your energies to that. Don't grieve because the joy of the Lord is your strength. He's saying, I’m coming to give you an injection of faith, of joy, of life, of strength, of vigor, of whatever it is you need. I'm coming to give you that. He gives us that by His very life within us. Don’t grieve. Step into joy. Lift up your heart. Lift up your head. Lift up your hands. Lift up your spirit and enter into the joy of the Lord. Because in that expression of joy you will find strength for your days. What a promise God has given to us in the midst of difficult times. Enter into the joy of the Lord. It is your portion.

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God Will Open the Way

One With Israel

We're all so aware of the ongoing current situation in Israel. We have friends there. Israel is in our hearts because we as a ministry, Aglow International, have traveled into Israel for 20 years or more. God has just built something within us. We stand with them, but we also stand as them. We are one in spirit and heart and purpose. We're so aware of what has been spoken in the Word related to God's people, the Jewish people, and the land of Israel. It's a place where Jesus will return. He is coming back, and He will put His feet down in Jerusalem in Israel. We cover the purposes of God for the people and the land. At this time in history, with so many threats and the things that are coming against them, attitudes and Antichrist spirit, there's a concern in all of our hearts that causes us to listen to the news in a particular way and focus our prayers throughout the day. We just carry them in our hearts.

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July 31, 2024    Jane Speaks


I recently was drawn to a book I read many years ago. It has been a time of rediscovering truths I have walked in, yet with a fresh realization of going to a new level of these same truths. Perhaps you are in a similar place of hunger for more and moving deeper with what has already been known in our spirit man.
I believe that God has been preparing His people for the days of evil and darkness. We will walk in a strength and confidence that is far beyond human effort. In fact, in some ways, we might feel less like a victor and more like a rag doll. When the enemy comes to shake up our personal world and begins to feed us his lies about who we are, we can find ourselves truly questioning personal current issues through the wrong lens.
So, as I share with you some of the truths that mean so much to me, I pray your spirit will be quickened anew, as well.

A Kairos Time in Armenia

 A Kairos Time in Armenia

At the end of 2023, leaders from Aglow Denmark visited the Aglow women in Armenia. Ruth Kupeian and Ruzanna Torosyan, leaders on the Armenia National Board, shared about the one-day conference in Armenia and events that took place the remainder of the year.

We held a one-day conference for our Aglow women in early November. About 25 women attended, most from Artsakh or Nagorno Karabagh, where the war and deportations had just happened.

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Daughter of the King

Daughter of the King

Daughter of the King, an event organized by Aglow Generations Sri Lanka for young girls between the ages of 18-35 was held at the Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo in November. In her welcome speech, Ruvani Desinghe, Director of Aglow Generations Sri Lanka warmly welcomed 45 participants. We introduced Aglow International which was birthed in 1967 in Seattle, Washington, and has since been affiliated in over 170 nations of the world.

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2023 Conference Messages click here

2023 Aglow Conference theme


#JaneHansenHoytToday - From the beginning in Genesis God was clear about His intentions for creating mankind. He wanted a family that was created in His image. He wanted His family to multiply and fill the earth. He intended for His family to subdue it, to take dominion, to have rulership over the world. He expected the wind and the seas to obey us, just as it did Jesus.

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Prophetic Boot Camp  

Sherry Anderson, Aglow Florida State Leader, holds Prophetic Boot Camp seminars hosted by the Area Teams in Florida as leadership training.
The most recent event was in July. Sherry began by sharing the things that hinder hearing God speak to us: the doubts, negative talk about our ability to hear Him, and our history and experiences from the past, including occult involvement. She explained how to claim our baggage and deal with it.     read more

ORADORES – Aglow Conference Website

Aglow speaker for the 2023 'Glory Rising' conference, Tim Sheets shares how Moses discovered firsthand, hope deferred can be deep, long and horrible. Yet, after 40 years of exile, he discovered that God had been preparing him for his moment in history.

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Bluff Hill New Zealand

Bluff Hill New Zealand

All over the earth, God is moving! And especially in New Zealand! On a recent cold morning, members of Aglow went up Bluff Hill and to other high points in Napier, praying for revival. One specific request was that the younger generation would have fire in their bellies. Another specific request was that Godly people with integrity would be elected in the upcoming elections in October.

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gloryRising HOME BANNER 20230315

Welcome to the official website for our 2023 Aglow Global Conference. In these uncertain times, God is reminding us that our best days are still ahead. Together we are stepping into the fullness of our destiny, both individually and corporately. We’re not stepping in with timidity and uncertainty, but with a confidence that comes from knowing that He has been equipping and preparing us for this day.

Registration for this event is now open. See below for registration options, and we'll look forward to seeing YOU in Jacksonville!

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Evangelism in Cameroon

Evangelism in Cameroon  Earlier in 2023, Joh Paglan, a co-leader of the Generations Group in Yaounde, Cameroon, sent a report telling of God’s faithfulness as members of the group go to the highways and byways. John said, “Our outreach was very extensive and we shared the Gospel of Jesus with more than 5,000 souls. Nearly 2,200 gave their lives to Jesus! We find that the harvest is ripe for gathering in, but the laborers are few, just as the Bible declares. 

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Trinidad and Tobago Retreat

Trinidad and Tobago Retreat   Trinidad and Tobago had a successful weekend retreat. The theme was Divine Encounters and included ministry, empowerment, and an outreach project within the Acono community where they partnered with a local church to prepare bags of essentials to help those in need.

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Video DutchAs the Aglow staff watched Dutch Sheets' Sunday morning message from St. Louis during our weekly Headquarters staff meeting, Jane stopped the video at a particular place and said, “This needs to be shared as far and wide as possible.” What could Dutch say that would move Jane so powerfully? Listen in and hear as Dutch defines who Aglow is in the earth and encourages us to step into the massive call God has for us in the nations of the world. Our prophetic words are connecting to their moment and are coming into focus right in front of our eyes. 


hier geht´s zum Video

Here you can find the messages from the last Aglow international conference in St. Louis/USA

2022 Aglow Conference theme    



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